Internal control

Internal control forms an essential part of the company’s governance and management systems. It covers all of the Group’s functions and organisational levels. The purpose of internal control is to ensure a sufficient certainty that the company will be able to carry out its strategy. Internal control is not a separate process but a procedural measure covering all Group-wide operating principles, guidelines and systems.

The purpose of Oriola’s internal supervision system is to support the implementation of the Group strategy and to ensure that rules and regulations are observed. The company’s internal supervision is based on a Group structure, in which the Group’s operations are organised into Business Areas and Group functions. Group functions issue Group-level guidelines laying down the operational framework and the persons responsible for the process.

The guidelines cover such areas as accounting, reporting, financing, investments and business principles. The guidelines aim to ensure that all risks connected to the achievement of the company’s objectives can be identified and managed. The control measures cover all Group levels and functions. All new instructions and guidelines are published on the company’s internal website and staff members can provide feedback to the management and anonymously report any questionable activities through the company internet.