Shareholders’ Nomination Board
The Shareholders’ Nomination Board consists of 4–6 members appointed by the shareholders. In addition, the Chairman of the Board of Directors participates in the work of the Nomination Board as an expert, but he is not a member of the Nomination Board.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors annually arranges a meeting to which the Chairman invites the company’s 20 largest shareholders, by votes, registered as shareholders in the company’s shareholders’ register maintained by Euroclear Finland Ltd by 30 April preceding the Annual General Meeting. The meeting of the 20 largest shareholders, by votes, elects the members of the Shareholders’ Nomination Board. One of the members is elected to serve as the Chairman of the Shareholders’ Nomination Board.
The term of office of the members of the Shareholders’ Nomination Board expires the year following the appointment upon the appointment of the new members of the Shareholders’ Nomination Board pursuant to the rules of procedure of the Shareholders’ Nomination Board.
The Shareholders’ Nomination Board is established to exist and serve until the Annual General Meeting decides otherwise.
The Nomination Board shall prepare a proposal concerning the composition of the Board of Directors for the company’s Annual General Meeting. The Nomination Board must submit its proposals to the Board of Directors no later than on the first day of February preceding the Annual General Meeting. The proposals are published as a stock exchange release and included in the notice of the Annual General Meeting. The Nomination Board shall also present and provide grounds for its proposals to the Annual General Meeting.
The largest shareholders of Oriola Corporation elected on 6 June 2024 the following persons as members of the Nomination Board:
- Annika Ekman
- Peter Immonen
- Timo Maasilta
- Pekka Pajamo
- Jukka Ylppö
- Ingeborg Åkermarck
Pekka Pajamo was elected Chairman of the Nomination Board.