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Oriola helps improve children’s wellbeing


Oriola donated Christmas gift funds to help Finnish and Swedish underprivileged children and their families. The donation was made for two Nordic non-profit organizations – the Finnish Hope and the Swedish Bris at the end of 2017.

The goal of Hope, set up in 2008, is to provide children with more equal opportunities in everyday life. The association distributes tangible garment and goods donations to disadvantaged families, as well as hobbies and leisure experiences for children and young people.

Hope is active in over 20 locations in Finland, and helps thousands of families every year. Over 13.000 children have received assistance through the organization.

“This donation is used directly to fund our activities. It allows us the opportunity to help underprivileged children try new hobbies or to continue the old ones, for example”, says Eveliina Hostila, the Executive Director of Hope.

Oriola’s donation helps keep Bris’ helplines open

The other charity which received a donation from Oriola in 2017 was the Swedish Bris. The organization has the goal of supporting children’s rights through societal influencing and by making the children’s voice heard in the Swedish society. Among other activities, the organization supports young people through their helpline, which any child in need can call to receive help.

The organization was founded in the 1970’s and played an instrumental role in passing one of the first child protection laws in the world. These days the organization employs around 60 people around Sweden.

“The amount of calls we receive from young people in distress has increased year by year. As we do not receive state funding, every donation is important”, says Anna Holmqvist, Press Officer for Bris.

Oriola’s donation helps Bris to keep their helpline, chat and email service open every day for young people in need, and allows the organization to keep working towards improving children’s rights in Sweden.

You can find more information on the valuable work Bris and Hope do and