Sustainability is a key enabler for our business strategy
Looking back at 2023, we can be proud of the strategically significant milestones that we have achieved. We announced our refined strategy, new long-term financial targets and sustainability agenda. These are elements that form a solid foundation as we continue on our path to build the future Oriola.
Our strategic ambition is to be the leading specialist in wholesale of pharmaceuticals and health products. We are now taking the next steps to build the new Oriola with a strengthened focus on the wholesale business and have set three goals – strong partnerships, enhanced efficiency, and portfolio and market expansion – to drive the strategy forward.

At Oriola, we believe that a sustainable future starts with health. For us, it is crucial to actively contribute to the transition towards a more sustainable pharmaceutical supply. As a significant party in societal critical infrastructure, this role has become even more essential given the increased attention on contingency stockpiles and pharmaceutical supply. Our business, the wholesale of pharmaceuticals and health products, has an essential and positive role in society and people’s lives.
Sustainability is increasingly important also to our stakeholders, and a key enabler of our business strategy. This means that we actively incorporate environmentally and socially responsible practices into our day-to-day operations and decision-making processes.
Our renewed sustainability agenda that covers three key pillars – Environment, Social, and Governance and society – drives our actions forward and supports us in reaching our ambitious long-term sustainability goals.
We are proud of our societal role in ensuring safe and accurate deliveries of pharmaceuticals and other health products. We measure our success in this by monitoring the picking quality of our deliveries, which in 2023 reached 99.8%.
Our sustainable people journey guides our work in leadership, employee engagement and wellbeing at work. Our long-term target is to have zero accidents, which sets our ambition in providing a healthy and safe working environment for our people.
Oriola’s key focus areas in our environmental work are to use resources efficiently and reduce emissions. Our target is to achieve carbon neutrality across our supply chain by 2030 and in our own operations by 2025. Our long-term environmental work has delivered results as we have reduced emissions in our own operations by 73% compared with the base year 2019. To continue on this path, we have also committed to set science-based targets along with defining a climate transition plan.
The EU’s extensive regulations on sustainability reporting will push companies forward in environmental and human rights related areas. The new regulations also apply for Oriola, and we have already during 2023 taken important steps to build our sustainability reporting preparedness.
Katarina Gabrielson is the CEO of Oriola Corporation. This text is based on Oriola’s Annual Report 2023 published on 27 February 2024.