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Growth through strategy implementation


For Oriola, 2024 was a good year, marked by sales growth and improved profitability. During 2024, we made steady progress towards becoming the leading specialist in wholesale of pharmaceuticals and health products. 

In line with our refined strategy, we focused on  strengthening customer-centricity and building strong partnerships, expanding our wholesale business and enhancing efficiency.

We acquired new distribution customers leveraging our wide service portfolio and our advanced logistics capabilities. We also renewed existing distribution agreements and strengthened our warehouse capabilities to better serve the growing e-commerce sales channel.

To grow our wholesale business, we introduced new products and suppliers to our portfolio. By  offering a wide range of products, we better meet our customers' needs and market trends and can provide the convenience of obtaining everything they need from a single partner. We also expanded to new sales channels to ensure our products are widely accessible in Finland and Sweden. 
In response to the growing need for market data and insights, we launched Oriola Insights in  2024. This data-driven service provides insights into healthcare patterns and pharmaceutical usage, supporting pharmaceutical companies in their decision-making and market access strategies.

Infrastructure investment progressed as planned

One of our strategic priorities throughout the year was to proceed with the investment to renew our enterprise resource planning (ERP) and warehouse management systems (WMS). We reviewed and harmonised our business processes to ensure consistency and common ways of working across the company. As planned, we completed the design phase by the end of the year. This strategically important investment will enable us to better respond to current and future customer and business needs.

New operating model

At the end of the year, we announced plans to renew our operating model. This change aims to accelerate strategy execution, increase growth opportunities and improve efficiency. By  establishing a common sales organisation and two commercial units – Services and Products, and Advisory Services – we can further enhance customer-centricity and strengthen our focus on sales growth.

Sustainability – key enabler of strategy

Sustainability is a key enabler of our business strategy and an integral part of our daily work. It is also increasingly important to our stakeholders. Our sustainability agenda, which extends until 2026, drives our actions forwards and supports us in reaching our ambitious long-term sustainability goals. 
We are proud of our societal role in ensuring safe and accurate deliveries of pharmaceuticals and other health products. A key indicator to measure our success is the picking quality of our deliveries, which in 2024 reached 99.8%, well above our target.

As part of advancing a sustainable people journey, we introduced a new People Policy at the end of 2024, and our leadership index reached the same level as last year at 79.

On our path to pursue net-zero impact on climate, we focus on using resources efficiently and decreasing emissions. We have reduced emissions in our own operations by 90% compared with the base year 2019. In 2024, we committed to setting science-based emission reduction targets for both our own operations and value chain, reflecting our ongoing efforts to contribute to limiting global warming to 1.5°C. We expect our targets to be validated in 2025.

Well-positioned to accelerate strategy execution

I am very pleased with our achievements and financial development in 2024 and look forward to continuing this path in 2025. We are well-positioned to accelerate our strategy execution to become the leading specialist in wholesale of pharmaceuticals and health products.

Katarina Gabrielson is Oriola’s CEO. This text is based on Oriola’s Annual Report 2024 published on 12 March 2025.

The Annual Report 2024 includes Oriola’s first Sustainability Statement prepared according to the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and assured by a third party.